Cats. Cats! If there’s one thing the Coop Dream Team has in common with the whole of the internet, it’s our mutual love of cats. It may come at no surprise that Coop cats tend to live in the lap of luxury and comfort, thanks to the fact that they have Coop pillows as beds.
We decided it was only right to interview these comfort consultants to find out their opinions on sleep, dreams, and life itself.

Pillow preference: Original Pillow with ½ bag extra stuffing
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Biggest dream: Living alone
Worst nightmare: Sharing the house with dogs and my dad’s girlfriend (I’m living it)

Pillow preference: Eden Pillow
Zodiac sign: Leo
Biggest dream: To run around wildly without any interference
Worst nightmare: The trash collector truck running nonstop

Pillow preference: Eden Pillow with the Cool Side Pillowcase
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Biggest dream: To eat a box of ice cream sandwiches. Loves bread and sweets.
Worst nightmare: Riding on a vacuum cleaner

Pillow preference: Original Pillow
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Biggest dream: I hope to mark the entire world as my territory with my saliva.
Worst nightmare: My endless list of nightmares includes going longer than a week without wet food (gimme my salmon paté!), being stuck in a closed room (gimme FREEDOM!), and being outdoors (too much freedom!).

Raymond J Kitty
Pillow preference: Eden Pillow with a Pillow Protector on it!
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Biggest dream: That my hoomans would install an auto-feeder so I can have kibble on demand
Worst nightmare: An empty food bowl

Jett B Kitty
Pillow preference: Eden Pillow
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Biggest dream: To be able to go everywhere with my PawPaw (Dad) Tommy, he is my favoritest in the whole world!
Worst nightmare: Concrete—I hate the way it feels! If I go out, you will often find me Velcroed to the patio floor, belly crawling back to the safety of the indoors.

Barley a.k.a. Big Bar
Pillow preference: Body Pillow, go big or go home.
Zodiac sign: Aries
Biggest dream: To explore the world, but my mom almost had a nervous breakdown the last time I explored.
Worst nightmare: The dishwasher! I don’t trust it!

Pillow preference: Original Pillow
Zodiac sign: Libra
Biggest dream: To learn what happens to people when they leave home
Worst nightmare: Guests

Pillow preference: Original Pillow
Zodiac sign: Leo
Biggest dream: To work and travel
Worst nightmare: To wake up in a completely abandoned and destroyed world