You Can Fall Asleep Faster in a Foreign Environment

You Can Fall Asleep Faster in a Foreign Environment

Many sleep related articles will probably give you pointers on how to increase sleep quality without considering one key factor: environment.

Whether you’re a wanderer of life, couch crasher, or business traveler, a feeling of insecurity or heightened awareness can become commonplace when sleeping in an unfamiliar territory, making it difficult to fall asleep and enjoy a good night’s rest.

So what’s keeping you up? Is it that brood buzzing emitting from each wall? An odd smell that you just can’t really out your finger on? It might even be that uncomfortable bedding right under you.

With holiday travel season approaching, here are a few tips for those that take a little longer to fall asleep anywhere other than their own bed:

1. Pack your pillow.

Sometimes sleep is more than having the softest slab filled with pillow stuffing, so be sure to bring a pillow that you’re familiar with (or opt for a travel-sized version).

2. Bring your favorite scent.

A familiar plug-in scent or candle used at home might do the trick for those that pride themselves on the particular smell they associate with their home.

3. Don’t forget your bedtime tea.

Pack a few tea bags you steep at home—whatever decaffeinated option works, whether it’s chamomile, jasmine, or Sleepytime tea.

4. Incorporate a self-affirmation.

Tell yourself, I’m okay here. That tiny extra mental push might do the trick for those heavy thinkers. Give yourself the time to relax and reflect on your current sleeping situation. Our brains are just looking after us.

5. Invest in a Himalayan salt lamp.

This one may be a stretch, but consider traveling with a small Himalayan salt lamp. Sizes vary and they can get small enough to comfortably fit in luggage. I find the light it emits to be very soothing and a signal to my brain that all is well.